Things have been busy here. Due to the crazy schedule of the kids and me homsechooling them, not much has happened around here to move the garden along. I wonder sometimes, what I am thinking, putting in this garden! What I want and reality are colliding, more than I would like. However, I am tough and don't give up easily. Time is like everything else, you make due with what you've got.

On that note, I wanted to plant some garlic. Back in late December / early January, I researched it online and found that it is really quite simple. My garden hasn't been put in yet, but I have some room in my flower bed in the back, in between plants that are already established. One afternoon, I grabbed my son and a couple of heads of garlic from my kitchen and headed out back. Why not? Let's see what happens. We used a ruler to measure out a grid. We pulled our heads of garlic apart and planted the cloves 4" apart, just under the surface. We watered occasionally and pretty much left it alone. I went out the other day and low and behold - GREEN! We have garlic growing! I am so excited! I only planted what I had a little space for and only what I had in my kitchen, so it isn't a lot. It is a good start though! SO easy! We also planted some carrot seeds, but those haven't done anything. I don't know if the birds got them, or if there hasn't been enough water....who knows. I will try again later when my beds are in.

Another blessing has happened! A few weeks ago, my son and I decided to go for a bike ride. We were riding through our neighborhood when we saw a man out front who looked like he was taking down his picket fence. I slammed on my breaks and struck up a conversation with him. It turns out, he gets tons of this fencing for free! He has enough fencing to wrap around my new garden. He wanted to get rid of it and would be more than happy to give it to me for free! God is good! I got his contact info, and just today went over and picked up the fencing. It is a bit weathered. Some pieces may have to be replaced, but over all it is perfect! It matches up nicely to what we have in place already. Oh, did I mention? It even came with a gate! I am so excited! The dogs, of course, had to check this new stuff out. Little do they know it is the beginning of the end to their reign in the back yard.
Bodi, the wanna-be sheep herding farm dog
This afternoon, Bryan and I are going to head up to the salvage yard to see if they have lumber that we can use for the planter boxes. Hopefully they will be built this weekend. Next weekend, my wonderful nephews will be coming down to haul compost for us!
I thank God daily for his provision. The fencing could have been a huge expense. The garlic is growing beautifully with out the purchase of special seeds. Things are moving all in His perfect time. We are blessed.