My New Favorite Place!
Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce you to my new favorite home improvement store! This place is amazing! Here is how it works: When someone wants to remodel their house and it needs to be gutted, they can call a contractor who will come in, break up the cabinets, floors, roof, fence, etc and then haul the pieces to the dump. OR, they can call Whole House Building Supply! This little company will come in and take out all of the materials carefully and then sell them. If, as a buyer, you are really lucky, you might see something that you are looking for come up on a demo day! Then you can be the one to go in and carefully remove it from someone else's house and buy it for pennies on the dollar. It is pretty awesome!
On this shopping day, we headed straight to the warehouse. As you can see from the picture, they had tons of wood! We got 2x10 pieces for $0.75 a foot and 4x4 posts for $1.00 a foot! What amazing prices! They have tons of other stuff too. It was fun to poke around at all of the vantage doors and hardware. There are new things too, like a jacuzzi tub that was never installed and is now being sold as used. Oh, I wish I had a place for THAT!
Bryan and Aaron worked hard hauling down the perfect pieces of wood. Aaron cut them all into 8 foot lengths so that they would fit in the back of the van. He was a perfectionist, so it took longer. We were so thankful though because the boards are all just right. Assembly will be much easier!
Here it is, all laid out the way we want it. I was thinking that I had room for two 20 foot beds, but I must have measured wrong. We are getting two 16 foot beds instead! All of our lumber is cut into 8 foot sections, so this should be easy. The extra lumber will be used for the chicken coop. YAY! I'm getting excited!!!
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