Saturday, December 31, 2011

Day 4 – New Year’s Eve!

Today is the last day of the year.  2011 has actually been an ok year!  It started off rough with one of my best friends being in a near fatal car accident.  Today she is back to work and looking good!  PTL!  My other BFF finished up Chemo at the end of last year and this year she has stayed healthy and is going back to her pre-cancer awesomeness!  All in all, it has been good.  Not to mention, I get to start my garden today!!!

Composting and planting!  You know how I feel about composting, but this wasn’t too bad!  I had about 4 days of kitchen scraps to put in. YAY!  I also got to use last year’s compost pile for my new plants today!  Gotta love payback.  It is like harvesting, only dirt and worms.  YAY WORMS!

All those veggies I bought yesterday went into the ground today.  Most in the front yard since my back yard is still the doggie bathroom.  Lettuce, onions & herbs all look good enough for the front flowerbeds.  I actually had enough lettuce plants that I took a couple over to the new neighbors for their yard.  They were excited!   I told them about our back yard plans and they can’t wait to see it.  You know what?  Me either! J  Baby steps…

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